About Us

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Hello and welcome to Rosy Moms! I am Dr. Leah Blake, a family doctor specializing in women’s health. I am the mom of two adorable nine-year-old twin boys, Harry and Cameron. Being a mom has been my most rewarding and humbling experience, and Rosy Moms reflects that journey. Here, we celebrate the rosy moments—from the first smiles to the messy mishaps—and everything in between. It is a space where moms like you and me can find camaraderie, expert advice, and a sprinkle of humor.

Starting Rosy Moms was my way of creating a cozy corner on the internet where women can share stories, ask questions, and maybe even have a chuckle or two. I wanted a place where medical advice meets the real deal of being a mom—no fancy jargon, just easy-to-understand, down-to-earth tips and tales. With my background in women’s health, I bring a unique perspective to Rosy Moms, combining medical expertise with real-life experiences. Whether you’re navigating motherhood’s early days, grappling with the teen years, or simply seeking a supportive community, you’re in the right place.

This blog is more than just a collection of articles; it’s a conversation. A conversation about the challenges, triumphs, and everyday magic of being a mom. So, join me on this journey, share your stories, ask your questions, and sprinkle a bit of rosy magic on this wild ride called motherhood. Welcome to Rosy Moms, where the messiness of parenting meets the beauty of shared experiences. #RosyMoms #MomLifeMagic #MotherhoodJourney #DrLeahBlake

Our Authors

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Hey, wonderful moms! I am Ijeoma Segbaya, not just your typical mom—a mom of one and a general medical sonographer with a special love for all things related to pregnancy and women’s health. Why Rosy Moms, you ask? Well, because I’ve been on the rollercoaster of motherhood, and I’ve also spent plenty of time peering into baby bumps as a sonographer. So, Rosy Moms is where I bring the best of both worlds—mom life and a bit of medical know-how. So, grab a cup of your favorite brew, kick back, and add rosy vibes to our mom’s journey!

Dr. Kerrie Richards

Hey there, I’m Dr. Kerrie Richards, and I’ve dedicated my career to championing women’s health. As a seasoned Obstetrician and Gynecologist, I find immense joy in guiding expectant mothers through the transformative pregnancy journey. But beyond the clinic, I’m a devoted mother of two amazing sons. Parenthood has given me firsthand experience with its incredible joys and inevitable challenges, shaping my compassionate approach to patient care. Join me on this adventure, where we celebrate the rosy side of motherhood and make sense of women’s health without the fancy doctor talk.

Maria Davies

Hey, I’m Maria Davies, and I’m head over heels for my lively one-year-old son. Balancing the wonders of motherhood with my love for interior design is my daily gig. As a self-employed interior decorator, I get to sprinkle warmth, style, and a bit of whimsy into spaces. My keen eye for detail and dedication to crafting nurturing environments have made me a go-to for fellow parents craving that sweet spot where functionality meets aesthetics in their homes. Let’s chat, share, and make this journey a bit rosier.